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Bufete de Abogados Puzo

Una talla no le sirve para todos

Puzo Law está dedicado al éxito de nuestros clientes.

Nuestro equipo legal tiene experiencia en una amplia gama de asuntos de derecho de familia, incluidos

divorcio, planificación patrimonial, acuerdos prenupciales o postnupciales, paternidad, pensión alimenticia, manutención infantil, administración testamentaria y cuestiones de custodia infantil.

Nos enfocamos en emparejar a nuestros clientes con el abogado adecuado para su asunto legal.

Combinamos la creatividad con nuestro conocimiento legal para  lograr tus objetivos. Hacemos un esfuerzo adicional para que nuestros clientes obtengan los resultados que esperan.


Personal que habla español y Hay abogados disponibles.


Client Focus

To understand our clients’ needs, goals, and objectives fully and wholeheartedly and to maximize the value of our services to our clients in providing creative solutions to each their legal needs, while providing world-class service and quality work product.


To be honest, respectful, and ethical in our all areas of life, in our professional and in our personal lives. To honor our commitments and to be accountable for our actions.


To relentlessly pursue delivery of outstanding results in everything we do.


To be caring, understanding, and kind to our clients. We know that legal action can sometimes be overwhelming. We are dedicated to providing our clients with the support and resources they need to rebuild their future and new chapter in their life. Your case matters beyond the courtroom because we understand that what we do matters; we have a drastic impact on our client’s lives and the lives of their families; compassion fuels our work ethic.

  Intellectual Rigor

To be meticulous in our attention to detail. To extract information and meaning from data to enhance our decision making and case strategy.  

Logotipo de la Ley Puzo
At Puzo Law, Experts & Solutions Await. Book your Complimentary ConsultationToday! 
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